Why TravelTech
TravelTech | Typical Maintenance Shop | |
Average Response Time | 1 hour via preferred contact method* | 4-6 Weeks |
Location of Work | Your airport or where the aircraft is* | Wherever the shop is |
Working Hours | Job dependent with 24/7 availability (sleeping quarters in the truck)* | 8:30-5 M-F |
Remote Work Capability | Full mobile shop | Whatever fits in the toolbox or can be borrowed at the airport |
Scheduled Maintenance | Customized autonomous maintenance and monitoring based on your usage and needs. We alert you to upcoming maintenance.* | At annual or when it breaks |
Mechanics’ Availability | On call* | As available during business hours |
Required Maintenance Logistics | Grant us access to your aircraft | Cost and stress involved with transportation to and from the airport, operating cost of aircraft, cost of your time, cost of hangar and/or tie-down after work is complete |
Scheduling | Online scheduling and response tool | Phone or e-mail when available |
Customer Base | Limited membership | General population |
* For Elite Subscribers. Premium, Standard, Basic and Non-Subscribers realize relative priority and some of the listed benefits as defined for the respective subscription level.
TravelTech offers a service model that is different than the typical shop experience. TravelTech offers the convenience of faster individual support to those who require it.