Why TravelTech

TravelTech offers a unique maintenance experience. We continually customize maintenance programs for our subscribers, and welcome requests for how we can create an experience that uniquely fits your maintenance needs. The following highlights some of the unique benefits and value that TravelTech provides.

   TravelTech  Typical Maintenance Shop
Average Response Time  1 hour via preferred contact method*  4-6 Weeks
Location of Work  Your airport or where the aircraft is*  Wherever the shop is 
Working Hours  Job dependent with 24/7 availability (sleeping quarters in the truck)*  8:30-5 M-F
Remote Work Capability  Full mobile shop Whatever fits in the toolbox or can be borrowed at the airport
Scheduled Maintenance Customized autonomous maintenance and monitoring based on your usage and needs. We alert you to upcoming maintenance.* At annual or when it breaks 
Mechanics’ Availability  On call*   As available during business hours
Required Maintenance Logistics  Grant us access to your aircraft Cost and stress involved with transportation to and from the airport, operating cost of aircraft, cost of your time, cost of hangar and/or tie-down after work is complete
Scheduling  Online scheduling and response tool  Phone or e-mail when available
Customer Base  Limited membership  General population

* For Elite Subscribers. Premium, Standard, Basic and Non-Subscribers realize relative priority and some of the listed benefits as defined for the respective subscription level.

TravelTech offers a service model that is different than the typical shop experience. While there is nothing inherently wrong with the typical model, TravelTech offers the convenience of faster individual support to those who require it. We work in concert with and support shops at fixed locations and provide referrals on request.

Pilot's Lounge

Wait in comfort while your plane is being serviced.